Aquila verreauxii   Verreaux's Eagle  Witkruisarend
Verreauxs Eagle in flight
Moonriver Mountain Retreat, Jan 2023

A breeding resident. A cliff-nesting species, hence largely restricted to such areas (recorded in 34% of the Waterberg pentads). Pairs are territorial year-round and use the same nest sites year after year; one that is still active today is known to have been in use since 1960. About 23 nest sites are known, and extrapolation suggests that about 30 pairs are resident in the Waterberg, these mostly along the Sandriviersberg spaced 5-20 km apart. When not breeding, individuals may range widely away from breeding sites and they have been recorded in 26% of the Waterberg pentads). Breeds in winter.
Verreauxs Eagle in flight
Mokolo Dam, Aug 2020

Verreauxs Eagle nest
Waterval, May 2018

Verreauxs Eagle
Bokpoort, Mar 2020

Verreauxs Eagle
Dinaka, Jan 2018

Breeds in winter, laying in Apr-May and fledging in Sep-Oct. This is a very late nesting pair.

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