Aquila spilogaster  African Hawk-Eagle  Grootjagarend
Kaingo Private Game Reserve, May 2021

A breeding resident. Scarce. Occurs widely but sparsely throughout the Waterberg in woodland (recorded in 34% of the Waterberg pentads); lives in pairs that maintain large year-round territories - about 30 nesting pairs are known in the area and by extrapolation the population in the whole area probably numbers close to 100 pairs. Breeds in winter.
Duikerfontein, Oct 2018
Male on the right, female on the left, both with full crops
African Hawk-Eagle
Kralingen, Nov 2017
Duikerfontein, Okt 2018
African Hawk-Eagle nest
Renosterpoort, Aug 2017
African Hawk Eagle on nest
Bakovenkrans, Oct 2008
African Hawk-Eagle on nest
Naboomfontein, Sep 1978

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