Parus niger   Southern Black Tit  Gewone Swartmees
Gewone Swartmees
Waterberg Game Park, Sep 2022

A breeding resident. Common and widespread across the Waterberg, less frequent in the surrounding thorn savanna (66% in, 34% out; recorded in 91% of the Waterberg pentads); frequents any broad-leafed woodland, in pairs or family groups which are territorial year-round; in winter they frequently form the nucleus of mixed species bird parties. Breeds in early- to mid-summer.
Southern Black Tit Waterberg distribution
Gewone Swartmees
Kamonande, Okt 2022

A breeding resident. Common and widespread across the Waterberg, less frequent in the surrounding thorn savanna (66% in, 34% out; recorded in 91% of the Waterberg pentads); frequents any broad-leafed woodland, in pairs or family groups which are territorial year-round; in winter they frequently form the nucleus of mixed species bird parties. Breeds in early- to mid-summer.
Gewone Swartmees
Modimolle, Des 2021

Southern Black Tit
Modimolle, Sep 2008

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