Anthus lineiventris Striped Pipit Gestreepte Koester
Melkrivier, Sep 2017
A breeding resident. Localised, but fairly common in places and likely to occur wherever its preferred habitat is found in the Waterberg; much less frequent in the surrounding thorn savanna (89% in, 11% out; recorded in 37% of the Waterberg pentads); frequents steep rock- and boulder-strewn wooded hillsides; found singly or in pairs, its presence usually given away in summer from hearing the male's melodious song from a treetop on a hillside. No record of it breeding yet known in the Waterberg but it undoubtedly does so.
Moon River, Dec 2017
Kamonande, Des 2021
Bokpoort, Sep 2017
Bokstoot, Nov 2014