Anthus lineiventris  Striped Pipit  Gestreepte Koester
Gestreepte Koester
Melkrivier, Sep 2017

A breeding resident. Localised, but fairly common in places and likely to occur wherever its preferred habitat is found in the Waterberg; much less frequent in the surrounding thorn savanna (89% in, 11% out; recorded in 37% of the Waterberg pentads); frequents steep rock- and boulder-strewn wooded hillsides; found singly or in pairs, its presence usually given away in summer from hearing the male's melodious song from a treetop on a hillside. No record of it breeding yet known in the Waterberg but it undoubtedly does so.
Striped Pipit Waterberg distribution
Gestreepte Koester
Moon River, Dec 2017
Gestreepte Koester
Kamonande, Des 2021
Gestreepte Koester
Bokpoort, Sep 2017
Gestreepte Koester
Bokstoot, Nov 2014

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